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91影院 “Care Line” to Assist Students and Employees

91影院 is pleased to announce the district has established a new resource for students and staff who might need someone to talk to during non-school hours. The Cabell Schools Care Line is now being offered exclusively to all the district’s students and employees and is powered by Prestera Mental Health Services, Inc.

“We understand that our students and employees are dealing with many challenges right now, and we want to be responsive to their needs,” says Dr. Ryan Saxe, 91影院 Superintendent. “Our goal with the Cabell Schools Care Line is to provide a supportive service where callers can receive immediate assistance in a convenient way.”

The Cabell Schools Care Line is available free to 91影院 students and employees from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, seven days a week. When they call the toll-free number, 1-800-642-3434, they are immediately connected with a licensed counselor or therapist from Prestera Mental Health Services, Inc. The Prestera providers will deliver therapy services to callers live on the phone. If it is determined that further therapy is needed, the providers can arrange a follow-up therapy schedule.

“Prestera looks forward to working with Cabell students and staff,” says Natalie Osburn, Vice President of Clinical Services for Prestera Mental Health Services, Inc. “Prestera has offered school-based services in Cabell County’s schools for more than 15 years and is excited to expand its partnership with the school district by staffing the new Care Line.”

Superintendent Saxe says that he believes the mental health of students and employees is just as important as their physical fitness, academic achievement, or work success. He says he is hopeful those struggling with negative feelings or emotions will give the Cabell Schools Care Line a call. 

“We’re all in this together, adds Dr. Saxe. “We all struggle from time to time and there is nothing wrong with reaching out to someone to talk. We want all members of our school family to know they belong and that we do care.”

For more information, please contact Keith Thomas, Coordinator of Student Support Services, by calling (304) 528-5207.