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8B Students Chain Together MATHia Success!

Team 8B started MATHia with a Grand Opening Party on August 25 and competed between classes until the end of September to create the longest paper chain.  Each student received a chain link for each workspace completed.  Quickly, the chains outgrew our classroom.  We linked our chains together this afternoon and found that the links stretched the length of the whole block!  For their efforts, team 8B won the 91Ó°Ôº Middle School MATHia trophy for the months of August and September.  What to go, 8B!

8b Students showing their MATHia Chain Links

8B MATHia Chain Links

Outstretched 8B MATHia Chain

Outstretched 8B MATHia Chains

MATHia Challenge Certificate for Mrs. Cooper's Classes